Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Cowboys & Aliens Magazine Cover

This magazine cover is completely different to the Godfather cover. It is full of colour, action, light, and big writing. Straight away it becomes obvious that this film is targeting males rather than females, because of the excessive use of blue and violence; typically attractive to boys.
Our eyes are drawn to the bright red title EMPIRE, even though it is layered behind the figure. This cover has about 4 layers, giving it an almost 3D effect, with everything jumping out at you. It's busy, and crammed with different information - At the top of the cover it says "Magazine of the Year", which is obviously promoting the magazine itself, then it advertises a number of other films that they have written articles about inside, and then it says "GAME OF THRONES - HOW FANTASY GOT SEXY".. Again, appealing to males.
The colours could symbolise different themes, for example, the red could connote blood and gore, the misty blue and greys from explotions suggest danger, and the little patch of fire again connotes danger, all of these are behind the figure though, which suggests that he can dodge them all.

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